One-Year Anniversary Reflection

Covenant Wedding Planner opened to a page that says "Reflections." It includes prompts to reflect on, including "My favorite decision of this month was..."

I honestly can’t believe it’s already been a year since Covenant Co. launched.

A Catholic wedding planner had been on my heart since planning my own wedding in 2020, and I really wanted to start creating it while I was planning my own wedding.

When I finally opened to the public, I had been married for eight months (to the day) and my husband was in the hospital. We’d gone through so many instances of spiritual warfare in such a short amount of time, nearly culminating in my husband fighting for his life for two weeks under intensive care, when I wasn’t allowed to be any closer than the other side of a phone screen.

But on September 1, my husband received word that he would be released soon. He was still weak and fighting, but he was good enough to come home and finish recovering with me.

I had already been preparing to launch and had already settled on a special day: September 2, the day that my parents entered into their own covenant. My parents are hugely responsible for Covenant being more than just a far off dream for me. They were Covenant’s first backers and still remain among Covenant’s greatest cheerleaders.

So if you think about it, say a prayer for my parents today on their anniversary!

From one product to a full product line.

Covenant Co. launched as a single product — a journal-style wedding planner for Catholic brides to keep track of wedding details and reflect on the journey so far.

By the end of 2021, new journals were being printed! My Engagement Journal and Our First Anniversary journal launched early 2022, and now we have an entire line of prayer resources, including bridal, groom, and anniversary rosaries, sacrifice beads, chotki, and even little stickers to encourage you to pray!

Have you Googled “Catholic wedding planner” recently?

Some of you have — which is how you found Covenant! But some of you have been around since Covenant was just a little Instagram presence trying to share reflections and inspirational Bible quotes. That was back when Covenant would show up around page 12 on Google.

I’m still blown away by this. With the ever-changing algorithm and not-so-secret blocking of Catholic presences by our favorite social media platforms, websites and email lists are more important than ever. I’m thrilled and in awe that in such a short time, Covenant has launched to such a high position.

There’s so much more coming down the pipeline.

My dream is for Covenant Co. to be a one-stop-shop, single resource site for Catholic brides and married couples to find all of their needs met, from small events during engagement (what does a Catholic bachelorette party look like anyway?) to anniversary presents and resources to help Catholic husbands and wives.

I can’t spoil anything yet, but I’m really excited for what else is on the horizon.

As all of you who are married know, a lot can change in a year!

Some of you have been here from the beginning... and I thank you. Covenant Co. wouldn't still be here without you.

Some of you are brand new -- even as of this week! -- and I thank you, too. Covenant Co. wouldn't still be here without you.

Some of you are brides. Some of you are friends. Some of you are mothers. Some of you work for the Church and want to know what resources are out there!

I thank you. Thank you for all of your support and thank you for believing in the power of marriage.

Please know I’m praying for all of you. And I hope you’ll pray for me, too!


Marissa @ Covenant Co.


Happy two-year anniversary, Covenant Co.!


How to End a Fight Without Flowers